Saturday, February 21, 2009

Interpreting Design: Learning How to See

Many of you have asked how to interpret the assignment on page 150 in the Elements of Design book. One of the purposes of the assignment, as I would like to focus on, is to teach you - "How to See". Once you begin to see design in all things, you take what you see, and interpret it through one of the listed principles of design. In the busy culture we live in (hopefully less so in Alaska, but busy, none the less) we do not slow down often enough to notice the minute details in the world around us. As Artists and Designers, I like to think that it is our job, to "wake up" the general public to the visual splendor of life all around, it's order, its caos, its beauty in all things obvious and not so obvious. As designers, we organize the visual landscape into a language, telling a story and directing the attention of a sleeping public to the wonders that are in front of their noses. We can use several design principles to accomplish this.

What I would like to come from this project is a series of photographs that illustrate your vision of symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, color balance (added by me), dominance, repetition, scale change, orientation, rhythm or movement, and pattern. Use color, subject matter, angle, perspective, light - what ever you can, to pull out the pattern or scale change or dominance or repetition in the scene. I posted a few of my own photos below to give you some guidance.

Color Balance

Asymmetrical balance


Something else I would like people to try is to maybe look "inside" a photograph for several other compositions. Through cropping, perspective, color, or lack there of, you may be able to pull out a treasure chest of hidden gems. I "mined" the photograph below to design a collage, or photographic quilt from images I saw within the same piece. People may also want to try this process in developing their collage in assignment 4b on page 151.

Original Image

Mined and Designed

Can you pick out the different elements from the original?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Animal Logos

Identity and Branding: Laying down the Foundation

Probably the biggest mistake that new companies make when trying to develop their corporate identity is to convince people to buy their product through their logo or branding collateral. There are other tools that are better suited for that task. It's called marketing. There is a fine line of difference between an identity or "Branding" program and a company's marketing efforts. They are subtle and important to understand. Branding's primary role is to serve as a foundation or anchor to lock in the overall message, into the subconscious awareness of the consuming public. Marketing is the vehicle, or tool, that delivers that message, with the intent to solidify the connection to the company's product, in the mind and experience of the consumer.

Take Starbucks branding and marketing program as an example of an identity and branding program done right. The name and logo are essentially meaningless in themselves, but they are punchy and memorable enough that they can effectively represent “the Starbucks experience”—which actually comprises more tangible things such as the store design, employee attitude and dress, the coffee, etc.—in an abbreviated form. People associate this vague symbol to their own personal experience with coffee and the "Starbucks' culture".

Starbucks could have easily come up with a name like “Super Duper Flavorful Coffee Company” with the standard cup or bean logo, but I don't believe all that would have made them the success that the company is today. An eagle, named “majestic soaring bird”, will not capture the beauty of such a creature any more than when you remember your personal experience of seeing one soar overhead. Later, when you see an emblem or photo of an eagle, you "feel" your experience once again and want more. We have essentially branded with image of the eagle.

The point: Be aware that the path to identity or branding success is not always the most obvious route to persue as a designer. Particularly these days, with the emphasis on social networking, branding becomes the tribal emblem to a particular sub-culture of public consumption. People want to socialize and belong. They will search out a following of like-minded, same-consuming culture-buddies in order to have a sense of belonging. Or they will choose to drop out. Even if they choose to drop out, the branding has been sucessful by associating or marking the flag, or symbol, of the "enemy" for them. A focus of your job as a graphic designer is often to lay down the foundation for marketing efforts that will address that social networking need.

A Little Side Note on the Starbucks Story:

Image Starbucks was founded in Seattle, Washington, in 1971 as a local coffee bean roaster and retailer called Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices. Howard Schultz joined the company in 1982 and was inspired on a trip to Italy to develop a similar espresso bar and coffeehouse culture in the United States. To advance the concept, he founded the company Il Giornale three years later. In 1987, Schultz purchased Starbucks, merged it with Il Giornale, and renamed the company Starbucks Corporation. The logo on the left is that of the Il Giornale company. As you can see, the Il Giornale logo is somewhat similar to Starbucks logo i.e being circular and having a band.

Original Starbucks Logo

The original logo, as seen on the left, the Starbucks siren was topless and had a fully-visible double fish tail. The original logo has raised some controvery because of the bare chest, but the logo continues to appear on some of the products like the Starbucks Anniversary Blend 1 lb coffee bags. Both the original logos seem to be perfect on wooden crates.

Starbucks Logo In the second version, her chest was covered by her flowing hair, but her navel was still visible, and the fish tail was cropped slightly. The logo also inherited the stars from the Il Giornale logo.

Starbucks Logo In the current version, her navel and chest are not visible at all, and only vestiges remain of the fish tails.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why"

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Class Officially Begins

Greetings and Welcome to CIOS 108, Graphic Design for Computer Applications

Today class officially begins today

By now I should have received all enrollment confirmations from students that are in my class. After today I will not be using the UASonline enrollment system to send announcements and will only be sending out announcements to those students that have followed the confirmation instructions. If you have not sent an email confirming your enrollment, to me, at , you will not receive important announcements regarding class assignments, projects, meeting times and lesson resources. It is your responsibility to keep accurate and timely communication ongoing between you and the instructor.

New Students
If you are new to the class it is your responsibility to read through the announcement archive at and get caught up with the rest of the class. If you have any questions about what is expected of you, after you read the class syllabus and timeline, email me immediately.

Elluminate Live
Due to the update to Blackboard, UAF is having difficulties getting Elluminate live up and running correctly. For this reason, we will use the UAS Elluminate system instead. Login and test your connection to the system at

Once you are logged in, select your class and navigate to the Communication Tools in the left column and click on Web Meeting. If you haven’t already downloaded the Elluminate software, you will be prompted to do so and taken through the steps.

Tip: Before you come to the online meeting it might be wise to restart your computer and clear off your desktop. Occasionally I will switch control to a student so they can demonstrate a process, which means that student’s desktop will be visible to all other participants. There may be information on your computer within sight that you do not want anyone to have visual access to.

For those of you using the Photoshop CS3 key server software from UAS: Before signing on to the meeting, start your VPN client and THEN start Photoshop CS3. You cannot do this in reverse order and will only delay your participation.

If you have a separate monitor (this is NOT a requirement), this will be a good way to follow along with any demonstration and try the process in conjunction to watching through Elluminate. Due to some of Elluminate’s limitations, it is often difficult to simultaneously view the demonstration and try the process yourself. Your software will often block your view to the demonstration on a single monitor system. When time permits, I will give folks time to try a process before moving on.

Blackboard and Blogger
I will be using both Blackboard at and Blogger at as the central hubs for our class. The information needed to participate in the class instruction will be posted on both sites in order to eliminate difficulties that sometimes arrive in gaining access to one or the other. You are responsible to check in with both sites for your class, frequently during the week, to stay current. I have set up an RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feed for the class blogger site in order to streamline the process in notification when there is an update. You can link this feed to some of your favorite newsreaders and be kept up to day with a subscription to all Posts and Comment updates, if you like.

If you have not set your personal blog-folio up yet, do that very soon. I expect them to be up and operating with the URL link sent to me before our meeting on January 22nd. Do not wait until the last minute. Blog-folio URLs that are submitted late will have points deducted from their total set-up score.

That’s it for now. I look forward to our meeting next Thursday.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Welcome to CIOS-108 Class Blog

Welcome to the CIOS-108: Class Blog for Graphic Design for Computer Applications. This will be the central hub for all your portfolio work and the place where you all will share your images and thoughts throughout the class. On the right there will be a list of links to each class members personal blog - Yes, you will be creating a blog too. I encourrage you to use this site to reflect on what you are learning in this class and what it feels like, for you personally, to tackle the world of graphic design.